Dental crowns are a versatile treatment, capable of resolving a myriad of problems with your teeth. They can repair damaged teeth, support teeth with large fillings and make flawed teeth look polished and new. Through dental crown treatment, Dr. Susan Baker and our team from Canyon Crossing Dental in Ivins, Utah, can make your smile stronger, healthier and more esthetically pleasing in as little as two dental visits.
How Crowns Work to Revitalize Your Smile
Dental crowns are special caps or coverings placed over your existing teeth to restore their shape, function and appearance. They’re often used to repair and restore decayed or damaged teeth. The process for dental crown treatment is as follows: Dr. Baker will prep your tooth by treating the decay or modifying its structure to accommodate a crown. Next, impressions are made of your tooth and sent to an offsite lab where custom crowns are fabricated. When your crown is ready, we’ll place it over your tooth and cement it in place permanently. Crowning compromised teeth can transform them into strong, healthy teeth that function better than ever.
Here’s what crowns have to offer in the way of protection, strength and esthetics.
- Protection
A tooth compromised by structural damage is at risk of further damage due to its weakened state. So are teeth with large fillings due to the damage caused by decay. Crowning damaged or decayed teeth reinforces their structure to protect them from crumbling. Crowns act like a protective shield around vulnerable teeth to keep them from further damage, infection and decay in the future. The protection that crowns provide can help keep your oral health intact.
- Strength
By crowning a weak or damaged tooth, we can fortify its structure. Strengthened by a dental crown, a weak, worn or compromised tooth can function like new. The crown becomes the new structure of your tooth and will bear the brunt of biting and chewing. Your tooth will have renewed support to withstand the pressures of daily use. Dental crowns offer a practical and effective solution to restoring the health and function of severely compromised teeth that otherwise would have to be removed. With crown treatment, your teeth will have the strength and support needed to carry on into the future.
- Esthetics
Dental crowns cover your teeth from top to bottom, concealing cosmetic and structural defects to give them an unblemished appearance. They restore your teeth’s original shape and color so that they appear new. Crowning an oddly shaped or irregularly sized tooth will help it fit in better with the surrounding teeth to improve your smile’s symmetry. Damaged, flawed or misshapen teeth detract from your smile’s esthetics and your overall appearance. By correcting these defects, cosmetic crowns can give your smile a beautiful new look, boosting your confidence and self-esteem in the process.
Dental Crowns Near Me
Interested in learning more about dental crowns for your teeth? Contact Dr. Baker from Canyon Crossing Dental in Ivins, UT at (435) 344-4445.
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